2010 - Year end Musings
Haven't put down the thoughts of chairman Ant for over a year, so I guess my fans are getting a bit restless....A shopping list catch up to start with.
Chess. During the 2009/2010 season, I won about 75% of my games, dispatching bunnies like Sarah Palin zaps moose. Also scored against some decent opponents. Reward , a BCF grade of 174 (ELO 2000 ish). Suddenly, Board 1 Division 1 for Ilford in the Essex League, and fewer easy pickings. Not looking promising. The rabbit terminator is facing better opposition and his cheeky Little Bishops Gambits and other quirkies no longer wash. More sober openings will have to be introduced. But in case my rivals are looking for clues, wait and see...
Pilates. Getting better at the basics, but continue to struggle with the bootcamp abs exercises.
Yoga. Different teachers have different approaches - even more so than Pilates. Your body goes into positions you never imagined, short of alien abduction.
Tai-chi, the 3rd component of Body Balance (with Yoga & Balances) is also interesting. Getting into it more.
Zumba. Have been to one class so far. My long legs are like Bambi's uncoordinated brother and the wiggle is poor. Good fun, but one for the locker if cannot get to anything else.
Music. #1 on my ipod in terms of volume is Bob Dylan, particularly more recent stuff. Not very original of me, but commuting to work you just want something wholesome to motivate you for those cryptic crosswords. Find of the year without doubt Wreckless Eric & Amy Rigby's 2nd Album 'two-way family favourites'. A super collection of covers. Looking forward to them playing somewhere in the South-East one day.
All very micro so far, so let's go Macro. The Euro is proving to be performing in line with the predictions of us doomsters (at last). Riots in Southern Europe, and belt tightening over the Irish sea. You cannot have monetary union without (g-d forbid) fiscal and political union. Unelected politicians think they know what is best for the common man.
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