UAPs (UFOs) - Go for it, Nancy!

The term UFO, coined in 1952,  tends to conjure up images of little green men in flying saucers saying "take me to your leader'. These days, UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) is used as it is more descriptive and doesn't carry unwelcome baggage.

During July 2023, a U.S. House of Representatives hearing on UAPs included 3 witnesses giving testimony under oath.
Two Navy pilots testified to Congress about how UAPs pose a potential national security and safety of flight. One of them, Ryan Graves is founder of Americans for Safe Aerospace, He subsequently wrote: "Today, these same UAP are still being seen; we still don't know what they are; and our government has no idea of the scope of the problem. That's because pilots, both commercial and military, are encountering UAP, and the majority of these cases are going unreported."
David Grusch, a United States Air Force (USAF) officer and former intelligence official, said that he "was informed in the course of my official duties of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program to which I was denied access, and that he believed that the U.S. government was in possession of UAP and non-human biologics based on his interviews with 40 witnesses over four years. 

I could go on, but this hearing represents part of a long series of 'revelations' which have been emerging over recent years (in order to, many people hope, soften us all up for disclosure). Planned disclosure is the much anticipated day when the US President (who else?) informs the world we are not alone. The 3 witnesses above are seen by many as sincere military men, patriots, who have no reason to lie and perjure themselves.  

So what is going on this year? 

Throughout the last 80 years, assorted lights, orbs etc.have been seen throughout the world, moving at impossible speeds, defying the known laws of gravity. There are certainly UAP hotspots, and secret US Bases and Nuclear sites are among them.

An amendment to this year’s National Defence Appropriations Act (NDAA) is wending its way through Congress this autumn. This specifically aims to “mandate government records related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) carry the presumption of disclosure.”
Almost the only thing that the majority of Republicans and Democrats in the House can agree upon is the subject of UAPs. A new Senate hearing (chaired by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand ) could arrive very so to hear the new  2024 US military whistleblower claims. This should include ex-Pentagon official Luis Elizondo's revelations that he personally handled an 'alien' implant removed from a veteran service member. Then, hopefully, later in autumn, a huge house or Representatives humdinger hearing chaired by Representative Nancy Mace with a significant number of whistle-blowers, including women, all under oath, with witness protection. The ladies are leading the way!
Maybe, finally, Sleepy Joe might cap 50 years in politics to announce we are not alone.
A final act of Trump's presidency was signing into law the creation of the Space Force as a stand-alone, sixth branch of the U.S. military. He would love to make the announcement (conspiracy explanation for attempts on his life). 
Maybe the can will be kicked down the road again, but the US political body wants answers into the tens of millions of military funding every year that is not accounted for.

This story is mostly ignored in the UK. Not to be discussed over cheese, biscuits and port 
A UK mental heath charity called uNHIdden has been set up to help encourage better conversations around the topic of non-human intelligence (NHI) and support people who have had ‘exceptional experiences’.

To quote author Arthur C Clarke: Sometimes I think we’re alone. Sometimes I think we’re not. In either case, the prospect is staggering.


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