12 months in less than 60 seconds
Welcome to Ant's Diary. Kicking of with quick review of 2008, then who knows.
- Economy caught a cold (Lehmans, Madoff the Ganoff, Woolworths, Uncle Tom Cobly)
- Global Warming? World temperatures peaked in 1999 and 2008 was wet and 'orrible. But those expenses paid conferences are a hoot, aren't they Al?
- Environment? Less column inches whilst LIDL and ALDI boom. Bottom fell out recycling market as prices plummet.
- Gordon 'Prudence' Brown cocks up and then says he is the only man to sort out what he caused. Chutzpah par excellance.
- Messiah Obama woos the Yanks (am I the only Sarah Palin fan this side of the pond?)
- Britain did pretty damn well at the olympics. Superstar Becky A too young to be a Dame. Maybe she sho get a grey wig.
- Brucie did not get a knighthood. What's the going rate these days, Gordon?
- Arsenal have not won any silverware for yonks. Deliberate ploy to save buying Brasso.
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