Going Veggie at a Jewish Wedding
Unless the bride or groom is a card carrying tree hugging vegan, a Jewish wedding will almost certainly involve meat being served for the main course. This is a long standing tradition based going all the way back to the Talmud declaring that there is no simcha (joy) without meat and wine. People choose to see this as an excuse for a good boozy meal, rather than a reference to the temple service (which preceded the advent of tofu burgers and a pint of old peculiar). Personally, I haven't eaten meat since kindergarten, and the thought of gefilte fish or wild alaskan pollock goujons doesn't greatly appeal. Milk is verboten at a meat meal, and a Spanish omelette feels more roadside café brunch than a nuptial repast. As a result, opting for something veggie or vegan is the default choice. One cannot begrudge carnivores their Angus steak or chicken thighs. After all, one should respect the will of the majority (no brexit jokes here). I do, however, think that some caterers lack ima...