Aliens, Death Stars and Feminism. Let's Rock!
NASA missions to the planets and their moons are something special. News programs are full of conflict and disaster, and odd glimpses of other worlds is an uplifting experience. The New Horizons craft sent back the first ever close up pictures of Pluto in 2015, knocking poor old Cecil the Lion (RIP) off the front pages. Cassini's holiday snaps from Saturn were this year's treat. Curiosity landed on Mars just over 5 years ago. Like any self respecting robot, it has its own Facebook page and Twitter feed. It spends a lot of time wandering around and looking at rocks. Some people seem to sit at home looking at Curiosity's pictures all day. They are not mere rock watchers, but have a more glamorous sobriquet: Alien Hunters. The ultimate accolade seems to be an anonymous credit in the Daily Mail and lots of cranky blogs following up with stories of NASA conspiracies.