Climate Change: Catastrophe or Hoax?
I read a lot or articles about climate change, but make no claim to be an expert. I dislike the polarization of sources and lack of sensible debate. The BBC and Guardian believe there is a catastrophe, and will not, as a matter of policy, allow any debate about this. Some mainstream more right of centre publications (the Telegraph and The Times) are firewall protected, which also stifles debate in the UK. If you don't agree with the 'consensus', you are a denier, a skeptic. If you are a so-called denier or skeptic, you are no-platformed from conferences. Only having one public narrative leads to group-think which is dangerous. A recent study by researchers at Brown University found a quarter of posts about climate change on Twitter were written by bots. The finding showed 25% of tweets on climate change were likely posted by bots, mostly tweets centred on denials of global warming. There is a lot of fake news around. Sometimes, I see Facebook friends unwittingly shar...