Bitcoins and The Book of Life
Never really understood bitcoins. 2 Years ago they were under $200 each. Now they are worth over $4,000 a digital piece, most of the time. In total, all bitcoins in circulation are somewhat unbelievably valued at over $60 billion. But digital currencies are not regulated by governments. There is no taxation supporting them. No international laws, and tough luck if you own some and lose their details or they are stolen online. Some say they represent the future, a potential blueprint for a global currency. Others believe they are a fraud, open to manipulation and abuse, and will eventually collapse in value. I am sitting on the digital fence. So I sought guidance. What do the internet Rabbis say about bitcoins? Because there is no government behind bitcoins, there seems to be broad agreement that bitcoins are a commodity (like apples or goji berries) rather than currency. Very briefly (sneaky bit of Talmud), say David lends Jonathan 20 apples worth £10. A few months later, Jonath...